Thursday, March 17, 2011

Come on by!

I know, it has been too long since I wrote to you. Life happens, and I got busy. This time of month is so busy for me! I celebrated my 4th wedding anniversary on the 12th, as well as my birthday on the 24th. You probably wonder if I fell off the bus. I am happy to announce that I have not! I did cheat a little on our anniversary... mainly said hello to my old friend Vodka. A piece of advice if you have a few drinks and it's been a while- The amount you used to handle, will not be the same! See, I didn't realize this, and lets just say I felt it the next day! I was scared to step on the scale, but surprised to see that I had only gained . 6 pounds. Not bad, huh?

In other news, I have created a 17 Day Diet Support page. While I did promote another, I no longer do. While I don't claim to be an expert... because I am not even at goal... I hope you come by for support from everyone. Some days you WILL have a bad day, and need to vent. You need to tell the world about being constipated, or complain about plateaus... That is 100% OKAY in my group! No one is bound to this diet. If you don't want to finish, that is your choice! But before you make your decision, come by and vent! I can guarantee you will feel MUCH better, and probably will have the strength to go on! If you would like to come by, you are MORE than welcome! We have teamed up with a 17 day diet recipe page, which will be a HUGE help to you! All free recipes! The moral to this story is, we all need to support one another. With out that, you won't get nearly as far! Do you have a blog you would like to share? Come post a link! Everyone of us needs all the help we can get, and I refuse to keep that from you. You all deserve to be healthy, happy, and HOT!

Since we talked last, I have lost a total of 17.6 pounds! In a little more than 3 weeks! This diet is amazing! I am loving cycle 2, except for the plateau I experienced up until this morning. On C2D2 I stopped losing. It drove me NUTS! Well, I did a bunch of research yesterday and threw caution to the wind! What I read (and please don't try this at home) is that eating something crazy will break it. After the 70+ comment of folks saying it worked, I plunged in! While I am not the sharpest knife in a gun fight, I do have enough common sense not to run out to McDonalds. Instead, I chose a happy medium and ate soybutter on wheat toast. Exciting huh? I didn't think so either... Regardless, I woke up to a 1.6 lb loss! Coincidence? Perhaps... Either way, I was happy!

I am loving cycle 2 and my steaks, scallops, and shrimp! I seriously could live on that stuff. I just threw some shrimp on the stove as I type! That and a little cocktail sauce... Mmmmm! Okay, I am getting side tracked!

Seriously, come on by for a look see! I'd be honored to have you!

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