Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Sorry I didn't update ya'll yesterday. I was busy helping my 7th grader with a science project due today! I seriously cannot look at another piece of poultry. In fact, I have a hard time swallowing it! It's like my uvula (little dangly guy at the back of your throat) wants to hold on tight, and not allow it to go down. Because of this, I probably have not had enough calories the last 2 days.

Today (well, yesterday) I lost .4 lbs. I was a little disappointed, but kept trucking.

Now let me try to remember what I ate-

  • Lemon water
  • yogurt, 1/2c blueberries
  • snack- yogurt blueberries
  • lunch- left over turkey, with light mayo spread on top; Salad balsamic vinegar
  • dinner- cheese burger salad (mainly ate veggies), however I did thinly slice some onions, threw them in a pan with olive oil, and truvia, and caramelized them. The were DELISH!


  1. I, too feel a little poultry burn out! (I did C1). I feel like I just might start clucking, but I am definitely going to try some sausages!

  2. Be careful with the sausages, Shannon. Technically it's a no-no. Why? No one has answered me yet. While I haven't had issues, you may... Also, the cheeseburger salad is SO simple! I use the Jennio turkey burgers, season, and broil. At the end, melt a bit of FF cheese on top. Then cut it into bite size pieces. While the burger was cooking, I mix salad, tomatoes, and caramelized onions (saute in olive oil and truvia) into a bowl. Then after you mix in burger, add some reduced sugar ketchup and mustard and mix! YUM!
